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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What colour would you use to represent freedom?

Question:i think light and cold colors represent freedom more . white , light blue , light pink and light green . and even light yellow , it represents the light of sun or like holy lights .

how ever the place that you're using it and the shape and construction that you're using the colors in it is very important too .

the shapes that refer to birds and every thing about sky reminds freedom . with the suitable forms and shapes you can even use colors such as light gray , silver or gold . or even a little black i think . but then it may not be a happy freedom

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i think light and cold colors represent freedom more . white , light blue , light pink and light green . and even light yellow , it represents the light of sun or like holy lights .

how ever the place that you're using it and the shape and construction that you're using the colors in it is very important too .

the shapes that refer to birds and every thing about sky reminds freedom . with the suitable forms and shapes you can even use colors such as light gray , silver or gold . or even a little black i think . but then it may not be a happy freedom

blue maybe b/c its the color of the sky

Red Gold and Green

peace-blue war-red freedom dunno..

i would use (white , blue , green)


i think it should be green.

I'd use blue. Calming and clear.

Money color