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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is the best frame by frame animator?

Question:with onion peel etc

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: with onion peel etc

There isn't really a a universally "best" software out there since each piece of software will have different sets of tools, workflow and intent that may not correspond to the kind of animation you want to produce, or the way you want to work. The best idea is to try out the trial versions of software to see if they meet your needs.

The larger and more popular programs are Digicel Flipbook, ToonBoom, Flash and Anime Studio. However, these programs are option heavy and the higher end versions can get pretty pricey, especially for Flipbook and Toonboom.

There's some free alternatives. For doing hand drawn animation frame by frame, you can use MonkeyJam.

Or Pencil, if you're on a Mac.

If you want to try to do Flash animation without buying Adobe Flash, give Synfig a try.

As for learning animation: