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Position:Home>Visual Arts> DeviantArt : Avatar Changed Automatically! HELP!?

Question:So, I was looking at a picture on Deviantart, and I favorited it. I end up back at my profile, with my avatar changed to a MUDKIP. So, I want to change it back of course, but it says "u dont liek mudkips?" in bold blue letters, making me unable to change my avatar.

I want my old avatar back. I mean, I like mudkips, but this is stupid!

Help me please!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: So, I was looking at a picture on Deviantart, and I favorited it. I end up back at my profile, with my avatar changed to a MUDKIP. So, I want to change it back of course, but it says "u dont liek mudkips?" in bold blue letters, making me unable to change my avatar.

I want my old avatar back. I mean, I like mudkips, but this is stupid!

Help me please!

Ive just signed onto deviantart and mine is a mudkip too!
Someone help.
I have no idea how to get rid of it.

Just realised, i think it's an April Fools Day thing. My friend's is a mudkip too.

Hope this helps =]

This is wierd the SAME thing just happend to me!!!!
No one could h.a.c.k deviant art right O_O

Yeah somebody could probably hack deviantart if they wanted, yeah everyone has a mudkip avatar, so it'd have to be an april fools thing. Considering the timing and all, looks like they changed around midnight.

Hopefully they change them back soon. ,,xP

hahahaha wow that scared the **** out of me... I actually DO like mudkip... so it was reaaally creepy... imagine that.

the same thing happend to me just today so i looked at yahoo answers to see if they had the answer we all have the same problems $hit!!!!!!!! i want my avatar back!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

it's just a joke for the first april :D don't worry!

Oh, an april fools gag okay!!!, I have no problem with that...

At first I though someone had hacked into my deviantart profile...
Now THAT would have made me VERY MAD!!!

But, hey I can take a joke...

They better change them back tomorrow though...
(I worked very hard on my Family Guy avatar)