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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why do people like to take pictures of landscapes with skewed horizons?

Question:I've noticed that a lot of amateurs make this mistake and it turns out horrible. I'm not saying that I am the best photographer, I know I still have a lot to improve on, but is this seems to be a growing trend. What is your opinion of it? Have you seen someone pull it off and get a great picture yet?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've noticed that a lot of amateurs make this mistake and it turns out horrible. I'm not saying that I am the best photographer, I know I still have a lot to improve on, but is this seems to be a growing trend. What is your opinion of it? Have you seen someone pull it off and get a great picture yet?

They do it on purpose to upset Dr. Sam :o)

straight horizons i think is the only way to do it. any other way just seems weird to me.

Its really hard to hold a camera level at arm's length. So the horizon is usually at an angle. Plus, they seldom (if ever) bother to check - they just look at the subject.

Sometimes you just get carried away on some other detail/subject and you're not aware the sea is sloping, or maybe it is because the earth is not flat???

Edit: Can't say I've seen one done deliberately that's been effective.

I haven't had a chance to try out landscape photography, so I am no expert. I think if done correctly, it can give a dynamic feel but for the most part it is not something I would try unless I was going for a certain mood and knew I could execute it well. . However I do know that certain people have a natural tilt and sometimes even my pictures of baseball it looks like the pitcher might just slide off the face of the earth :)

The crooked horizon is absolutely one of my peeves. When I offer a critique, that will be one thing I will mention if it exists.
I can understand a slightly tilted horizon from the camera not being dead level. In digital that is an easy two second fix, (in film you're stuck with it unless you scan and print digitally, I print all my film analog)

The concept I can't grasp is the deliberate skew, I suppose in an attempt to have that "dynamic" look. I don't believe I have ever seen deliberate skew that I liked. In fact, I don't like it much with any photographic application, even weddings. I have seen it look all right in great fashion photography, though.

I guess it's different strokes for different folks, but I don't care for it.

i'm not the greatest, either, but that is just plain bad... sometimes it can't be helped because i'm not paying attention and my butt is freezing off, or i'm trying to get some critter before it takes off. the really outstanding landscape photos are dead level

Unless there's some good reason, all landscapes should have a level horizon.

I haven't seen any skewed-horizon pics that impressed me.


In my experience, ameteurs want to be "different" and "radical" which they think will give them the edge they need to become famous artists. Just doesn't work though.

You got THAT right!

They are holding the camera with one hand, and a bong in the other.