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Question:In Photo my face is ugly.By looking at the mirror its ok. Why is that?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: In Photo my face is ugly.By looking at the mirror its ok. Why is that?

You are used to looking at the mirror and not at the photo. The lighting in the photo may be bad. Your picture shows you as others see you, but the mirror shows the reverse. If you have a digital camera put something obvious on one side of your face - mark on cheek, clothpin on ear - and take a picture. Either bring a mirror to the computer monitor or take a printout or lap top to a mirror and compare the two - the mark will be on the "wrong" side in one. Or you can take a picture and use image software to flop it right to left then compare it to what you see in a mirror. Should look much more similar.
Of course you may be nearsighted and the mirror image is twice as far away as a picture held at the mirror distance and may be slightly blurred, taking out details you don't like.

Some of us are just not photogenic :( But that's okay, you'd rather be hot in real life than pixs

everybody thinks they look bad in photos.its just an illusion

hey likewise too!!! but i still think im ugly externally lol.

I'm the same way. Probably depends on lighting, camera quality etc etc.

the changing of all the angles in the mirror make it look more to 'real life' vs. a static photo. So chances are you're not as ugly as your drivers license makes you look.

Its all in your head

When you look in a mirror, you still have depth perception. Your eyes can and will jump to features that stand out, as per your own self image. If you think you have pretty eyes, you may catch yourself looking at your own eyes in the mirror. A photo on the other hand is simply a 2 dimensional representation of something that is 3 dimensional, so indiviual features may not be easy to focus on. Ever see a tv or movie star in person? They tend to look really different.

Stand back from the mirror, cover one eye, and look at your whole face. It may appear a little different.

Who said that your face is ugly in photo and good in mirror?
if you are the one..
the statement is wrong !
you face should be good in photo and mirror or should be ugly in photo and mirror... :-) Cool....

haha, i have that same problem. o well. at least we look better in real life than we do in photos, right?

The truth behind your dilemma is simply a matter of proportion properties as pertaining to the symmetry of your face. Quite simply; most people do not have a perfectly symmetrical face. When you look at a mirror vs. looking at a picture of yourself you are seeing a reflection. What you see in the right hand side of a mirror is the left hand side of your face. When you look at the right hand side of your picture it is really the right side of your face.

A fun experiment to try is to invert a photograph of yourself. It will look, to you, more like what you see in a mirror.

For more tips on photography visit

The mirror is lying to you.