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Position:Home>Visual Arts> If you died and were reincarnated as a camera, what would you want to be?

Question:I'll go for a Leica M3 -- immortality guaranteed.

How 'bout you?

Thanks to all who answer.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'll go for a Leica M3 -- immortality guaranteed.

How 'bout you?

Thanks to all who answer.

I would want to be a video camera for a pornography studio.

Don't care what make and model, but as long as I am shooting the SI swimsuit issue each year, that's all the immortality I need. Keeping my fingers crossed that the boss is a woman with good hands.

Poloroid.....i'm all about instant gratification

It wouldn't matter. I would be inanimate.

I would be one that goes to all the sporting events.

i can be kind of dim....
i guess id be a pinhole camera.

an underwater camera

Hmmmm... Nikon F2AS


to fhotoace:

Real Leitz stuff, as in Leitz Wetzlar, not Leitz Canada!

A Nikon F

I agree! I too would want to be a Leica M-3, but I would want my friends to come along as Leitz lenses; 21/2.8 Elmarit, 35/1.4 ASPH, 50/2 Dual Range Summicron or 50/1.2 Noctilux, 90/2 Summicron ASPH, 135/2.8 Tele-Elmarit and a couple of esoteric friends as Visoflex with Leitz bellows and a 125/2.5 Hektor.

Then I could party down ...

One that won't be invented for years and years! I kind of want to stick around the life I have for a while.

The Leica bit is a coincidence, not sucking up..
I actually want to be this camera so that I can just lie there and watch the clouds roll by. Maybe on main beach at Straddie

Maybe if I'm really bad they will send me to camera hell and I will be destined to take photos of distorted lips for eternity .

Darn, I wanted to say M3.

Instead, I will say Leica MP doing Betty Page type Pin-Ups!

I would want to be one that was owned by someone who took it out more often than Christmas and Birthday's. Someone who was interested in photography and creative. Someone who would take me to the ends of the Earth and back again. Of course, an M3 would survive that kind of challenge...

A IIIg would be cult-cool though.

I miss my dad's Exakta, though, so maybe.....

Doesn't matter as long as I'm used and not forgotten in the closet. And I would also want a big round 800mm telephoto lens to make up for my short comings now.

A camera as technically and aesthetically pleasing as any image that has ever been recorded. I would be an Ebony SV45TE

Hasselblad 500c/m. Because I would never get sick and end up hospital. i would be almost immortal!

A view camera that belongs to Ansel Adams.

A Holga 120N. Quirky and unpredictable!

I'm with Karlyj! I'm all about instant gratification.

Being the WFPC2 would be heaven