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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Photo programs.....?

Question:i need a program i can edit, crop, etc for my pics....know any free ones? best answer-5 stars!!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i need a program i can edit, crop, etc for my pics....know any free ones? best answer-5 stars!!

Gimp is good. Paint.NET isn't bad either (

Personally, I like Gimp. It is a really good program much like photoshop. The best part is, ITS FREE!! Here is the link.

Hope that helped sweety! Have a great evening!

I use kodak easy share.

I use photoshop almost exclusively, but I'll vouch for GIMP. Understand, like with any powerful software, it has a learning curve. Link is on the first post.

If you want ease, stay with an easy one, if you want power, go with photoshop or GIMP.

Life is so simple, but we insist on making it complicated

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