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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Artisits block AHHHH!!!?

Question:I've never had artists block before... what should i draw? Im very good at portraits landscapes and nature drawings... what to draw what to draw????

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've never had artists block before... what should i draw? Im very good at portraits landscapes and nature drawings... what to draw what to draw????

try something different. try drawing a serialist version of a room that's familiar to you, or try drawing your usual landscapes and add some animals and/or people to it, putting more focus on the animals and/or people than the landscape.

Draw a self portrait.

If you are good at drawing nature and landscapes then draw your perfect paradise. what I mean is imagine a perfect place, island, a windy place, and ice tundra, or anything. it can have grass huts, flying pigs, clouds made up jello, rainbow water, anything. i have done this and it is really fun.

fish are very fun to draw...go to google and type in an animal or even a flower!

find and old oak tree