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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What are some colours that look good together?

Question:I love pink and green! also
purple and green
oh everything i love colours!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I love pink and green! also
purple and green
oh everything i love colours!

definatly dark purple and lime green!!!!!

look at a color wheel, the opposites look good together.

pink and green are cool yeh!
umm brown and green
green and orange
pink and black

I love red and black together

red and green
blue and orange
yellow and purple

Complimentary colours. You have your three prime colours red, blue, yellow. What compliments them are the secondary colours green, orange, and purple.
So Green would compliment red, orange would compliment blue, and purple would compliment yellow. It works the other way around too. Red compliments green, etcetera.
The rule of thumb is that cool colours compliment warm colours. Reds, yellows, and oranges are in the warm category, and blues, greens, and purples are in the cool category.

Just about anything goes with black.

I like cream and green or light purple.

black + any colour you like :)

colours that are opposite on the color wheel look good together