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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do you think of my drawings (please be honest here)?

Question:i've been using photoshop for a year now...
most people aren't truthful about what they think of my work- i'm 16 years old btw...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i've been using photoshop for a year now...
most people aren't truthful about what they think of my work- i'm 16 years old btw...

I think your artwork is great if you really are 16 yrs. You are quite prolific. I think you are bent towards fantasy art but I see children's illustration in your work. Do you write stories also? If not, get hooked up with somebody that does.

If you are an A student then I suggest Rhode Island School of Design as an Art College.

I world like to see your work in a composite of figure and ground with your characters doing some action. Keep up the good work.

WOW you are so good what a talent,i think you will make lots of $$$$$$$$ keep it up,get some published and go to shows,WOW-WOW-WOW

they're great. keep it up!

I liked what I saw.
Have you tried any CD covers for a local band.
They might like you to do something for them. Somebody has to do their artwork after all.
I am trying to get used to inkscape right now, and was wondering if you had any other SVG programs you had tried.
I have recently started playing with this stuff and like the gimp, but inkscape is far better for scaling.

Very good, seriously.

I will say that I can see that you need to work on refining your talent. Some of your work is still pretty rough. That is not a bad thing. All it means is that I can see that you haven't reached your full potential.

I can definitely say that I doubt I was nearly that good at 16. You have some amazing raw talent and you have the potential to be great.

Keep it up. Continuously look for ways to improve. Master Photoshop (no easy task).

OMG!!! ur so effing good!! i wish i had photoshop.. im stuck wit GIMP and PDN *cries* loll i have a DA too, but moi work is worthless loll u can go c it if u want, i dont really care -.-

its a very nice work..even I cant draw that good even as an art student..

I like your drawings they are really good.