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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What kind of person do i look like to you?


Be honest.
Where do i live?
How old am i?
Am i popular?
Would you hang around with me?
Am i talkative?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

Be honest.
Where do i live?
How old am i?
Am i popular?
Would you hang around with me?
Am i talkative?

1) I'd guess the Northeast or California.
2) Anywhere from 14-17; I'd guess 15.
3) Depends if you have any smart kids in your class. I'd say if you go to a school where it's not uncool to be smart, then I'd say you're popular. If it's not cool to be smart in your school, then no.
4. Yes. Your questions are always intelligently phrased and spelled correctly, 2 things that are NOT a given on here. You also seem like an observant person, and they're always fun to hang around with. Especially is they have a wicked sense of humor. I think you'd be good to hang around with. :o)
5. I'd guess not so much - maybe you're a little shy in person, since you spend so much time on here and seem to enjoy cyberchatting. I'd say you're talkative with close friends but not in general.

Why all the questions? Are you having a self-doubting day? You're a beautiful strong girl - feel it, be it!

u probally live in like new jersey.
u look like ur 16.
u seem to b a descently popular girl with a good amount of friends to hang with.
and u seem pretty talkative.

u seem like ur popular
new yorker?
look like 16
i would hang out w/ u
i love music. do u?

You look like a normal kind caring person that takes time enough to ponder what people think of them. You're 20 live in Detroit, you have a small but tight group of friends. I'd hang with you because you look like a nice person that would talk when you have something good to say.