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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is a good way to start my photography business?

Question:I just want to start something simple, but I don't know where to start. I have a great camera and great talent, but nothing else. I am on a small budget. But I am willing to make my own props and sets. I want to shoot people and nothing else! if anyone has any advise or any idea's for on how to get started let me know.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I just want to start something simple, but I don't know where to start. I have a great camera and great talent, but nothing else. I am on a small budget. But I am willing to make my own props and sets. I want to shoot people and nothing else! if anyone has any advise or any idea's for on how to get started let me know.


You might first start with a small business course to get you started. Leave cards on notice boards , malls,schools,friends

Door knock in the neighbourhood giving out your photo cards telling the people what services you offer -

1 portraits
2 weddings
3 pets
4 social functions

sell yourself well & you get the client.
show your portfolio as a selling device
also range of prices with photo costs

hope this helps* ,key issue is dealing with all types of people,
handling pressure,and delivering promised service

Offer to take pics of people you know, friends and family, kids, etc. Start a website with lots of your work on it, and get business cards. hand them out, post them on bulletin boards, put your listing on Craigslist, etc. Theres tons of ways if you really are talented. good luck toyou! I wish I was a talented photographer!

What do you call a great camera and describe "talent". Try to let a local photographer view your work and give you advice.

The most important thing you need to do is learn lighting.