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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How come at my visual arts audition, they made me read out loud?


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Perhaps they wanted to see if you could read fluently.

When you do visual arts one has to talk about and write about your own work and be able to comment on fellow students work. A large part of the course is spent in critiques where you are expected to contribute verbally. Another important part of the course is writing about art.

Iilliterate students or students with poor reading skills wouldn't cope on courses where much of the work is founded on research, reading and writing.

For what, exactly, were you auditioning?

Was it for a teaching position? A lecturer?

Your query begs the question, Why was your presence even needed to show your visual arts? Was it an interview for some kind of job? Were you asked to show your portfolio? What was it you were asked to read?

Without some of these answers, we could not possibly begin to give you a meaningful response to your question.