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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How to take good photos of myself?

Question:I am an AMAZING photographer when I take photos of other ppl/things..
but HORRIBLE at taking them of myself..

When I ask ppl to take it for me they normally cant..And they dont know how to take good photos..

Any tips on me taking good photos of MYSELF???
thank you!! =]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I am an AMAZING photographer when I take photos of other ppl/things..
but HORRIBLE at taking them of myself..

When I ask ppl to take it for me they normally cant..And they dont know how to take good photos..

Any tips on me taking good photos of MYSELF???
thank you!! =]


I've taken lots of photos of myself.

The way to take good self portraits is to find a mirror, and practice poses in front of it. When you've gotten them down, hold your camera in front of you so it is directly where your eyes would be while looking at yourself in the mirror, and snap away. This is a good way to practice self poses as they would turn out on film.

Pictures of me used to be terrible but now when a camera appears I remember which angles and expressions etc, work, so I can control how it turns out better. =) Hehe, you shoud see my driver's licence photo. I'm sure its not regulation lol.

If you insist on doing it yourself, you probably want to get a remote control for your camera, (wire, or wireless), and since you're an amazing photographer, you already know what else needs to be done.

Timed camera on top of tripod

Get your mom or dad. (Likely they are good at it too?) Have them take photos of you.

set you camera on a tripod. preset the exposure and use a release cable or wireless remote. pose nautally.

So just what exactly is so horrible about your self photos? The way you actually look? The lighting? The composition? As an "amazing" photographer you should realize you can never get composition and lighting perfect on yourself and operate the camera at the same time. You might want to look closer at the photos of yourself with an eye to cropping. It is about the only way to get a composition that is pleasing. You cannot pose in front of the camera and look through the viewfinder at the same time. Plus, if you are not using a remote trigger for the camera, you only have 10 seconds to position yourself, and you will never get a decent composition like that.

Just break down and go to a pro to get photos done of yourself.
