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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is there any more others paper makers sites that you can gave me ?

Question:because the first one was too hard. oh yeah is there any store or big markets that sell colors sheets papers that i can use to make things of .

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: because the first one was too hard. oh yeah is there any store or big markets that sell colors sheets papers that i can use to make things of .

For paper manufacturers, try Georgia Pacific and Sapi.

For the best selection of papers at the retail level try any of the larger art supply and craft stores. Some of these include Dick Blick's, Michaels, Aaron Bros. and University art. Some of these retailers have web sites.

As far as paper from which to "make things" of, be sure to check out a type of color paper called "craft paper." it is a much more durable material than ordinairy construction paper and comes in almost as many colors.

of course try office max or staples