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Position:Home>Visual Arts> I am trying to take a photo of my 10 month old son holding a cell phone?

Question:I tried using double sided tape to stick the cell phone onto the side of his face and when he put his hands up to touch it, snap a photo. I cannot get the tape to stick on there. How can I get it to stay?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I tried using double sided tape to stick the cell phone onto the side of his face and when he put his hands up to touch it, snap a photo. I cannot get the tape to stick on there. How can I get it to stay?

Babies have such delicate skin, why are you using tape?? I would advise taking out your battery and just give him the phone. Sit down when you have a lot of time, and watch him. He'll play with it, its what babies do. You might find you'll get something different that you like much better!

Just...don't let him drool all over it.

First, don't put tape on the kiddo - the glue from it can cause problems.

Second, can your kiddo hold things yet? If so, then just give them the phone to play with, take a lot of pictures and cross your fingers (this works best with a digital camera so you can easily get rid of the ones you don't like).

Until they're older it's going to be pretty tough.

If you want to just give the illusion of being on the phone then take an angled shot of the kid and a picture of your phone and edit them on the computer. If the phone is behind the kid's head it'll look like their talking on the phone.

(I'm a parent of a 1y1m old and a professional photographer.)

You could try using doublesided tape with a foam insert, but it really is not a good idea, the adhesive has lots of chemicals that can cause a reaction.

Why not try ringing the phone so he will be attracted to it? And be ready. If you keep ringing the phone and lift it to your ear enough times, he will copy you.


Try cleaning the area using an alcohol swab on the area of his skin you want to have it stick to then use a loop of gray duct Tape with double-sided tape placed between the open area of the loop. When pressed against the baby's skin the duct tape will stick to the skin and phone and the double-sided sticky tape will keep the loop closed.

Make sure you have everything in focus before you attempt to tape the phone to the baby....
I this really something you want your child to endure?

No tape!!! Babies have such delicate skin. At his age, you'll just have to hand him the phone, and take as many shots as you can before he tries to eat the phone, or make a call half way around the world. You might get lucky with one.

I agree with Screwdriver on the, try having the phone ring, and the kid be interested in it. Kids are good at mimicking, so if you are playing with them, and holding a phone by your ear, they may copy you.
Do you really need that photo so badly that you are taping a cell phone to your baby's head?

Babies are much more durable than these people seem to give them credit for. You can always tell how many kids a parent has by watching them dress their toddler. The mother of one will delicately and gently dress the toddler, as if he's an eggshell. The mother of three doesn't dress the toddler so much as throw them into their clothes. A baby can handle a little sticky tape on their face, no problem.

That being said, it still doesn't seem like the best way of doing this photo, from a practical standpoint. If he can hold things, I would imagine the following would work pretty well:
Call your cell phone. Hold it up to his ear. Let him figure out that Mommy or Daddy's voice is coming out of the phone. Let him watch you a few times hold it up to your ear. Then do the same to him. Then to you, then to him. He should figure it out pretty quickly, and be interested in actually doing it, because Mommy or Daddy's voice is coming out of that funny little brick. Also, he'll probably hold it up there longer with Mommy or Daddy's voice on there. Have fun, sounds like a cute picture.