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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How to make a picture bigger yet as clear as it is when small?

Question:well its ok if not that clear but at least i can see can it be done??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: well its ok if not that clear but at least i can see can it be done??

If the picture is in digital format, you really can't increase the size much without losing, at least, some detail. The greater the increase, the larger the individual pixels become.

There are various computer graphic tricks to "fake" some improvement, but even these procedures will only have some limited success. If the file resolution was to low to capture detail, there is not computer software that can go back in time to find the missing detail and put it back in.

Your question is kind of like asking, "When I took this picture, the one of the people in it was facing the wrong way. Is there a computer program that can make him face the camera?"

No, it can't be done.

oh boy, The only way I know how is buy alot of equiptment just for that. sorry :/

Unless you have a high resolution camera you are limited on how big to make it. Up to an 8x10 is rather common if you start with a sharp picture to start.

are you working from a digital format, or are you scanning in a photo?

if you're scanning a photo - just scan it at a very high resolution and size.

If you're working from a digital photo, it's not going to work, once the resolution of a photo is set (in digital photography) enlarging it is just going to distort it based on how the pixel information is guesstimated whenever you put it at a higher resolution.

but, you can always try a sharpen filter in photoshop to make it look not SO bad.