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Question:How would u make a model of a rly complicated castle in a pretty short amout of time...say a month? What would u use? How would u make it?

All ideas accepted coz i need as many as i can get.
Thx heaps

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How would u make a model of a rly complicated castle in a pretty short amout of time...say a month? What would u use? How would u make it?

All ideas accepted coz i need as many as i can get.
Thx heaps

call a furniture store and see if they have any styrofoam packing materials that they want to get rid of. i have often gotten really big pieces like 3'x4' and 1/2 - 6" thick.
you can carve the shapes of stones and bricks in the wall, and attach the sides with toothpicks and low-temp hot glue. it can be painted with poster or acryic paint

use air dry caly do from crayola that will do the trick and maybe one kid used sugar cubes and another kid printed out their castle on line they just had to glue it together it came out good but it took them a while like a couple a weeks but anyways i like clay because you can mold it and its great for projects GOOD LUCK!

To create a model castle in a really short time and with no to little effort- buy one of those 3D puzzles and put it together. If you need something better, try clay or plaster.... it shouldn't take that long.

I'd use illustration board, a straight edge, ruler, exacto knife with sharp blades available, a good paper glue, heavy duty drawing paper for overlapping seams, balsa wood, some photos of castles and some origami folding techniques for details. I'd start by constructing the base platform from the illustration board and build outward from there. You will also need a good cutting mat and a surface to place that on. You most likely want to draw the finished project to get proportions before starting.