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Position:Home>Visual Arts> HELP on photo developing problem. Now in my dark room developing photos the Pict

Question:Is it that my developing liqud may to old?
Or can it be the flim?
Or is it just my Camera?
All help welcomed on this matter, Thank you

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Is it that my developing liqud may to old?
Or can it be the flim?
Or is it just my Camera?
All help welcomed on this matter, Thank you

camera no, film unlikely - can you see it on the negs?????

if you have to ask, then the chems are not new, check the date and how were they stored.

edit in if you need/ find out more

EDIT: assuming temps and directions/times et cetera have been done right.


If its on your negs then it could be a light leak or blemished film.

I'm just here for the 2 points. ;-)