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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Looking for a Professional high Quality 35 Camera?

Question:And where to go to get one.
Thanks for your help.


Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: And where to go to get one.
Thanks for your help.


For new, professional-quality, 35mm SLRs there are the Canon EOS-1v, Leica R9, and Nikon F6; 35mm, professional rangefinders are the Leica MP, Leica M7, and Zeiss Ikon. These cameras can be found at camera stores that cater to professionals and on-line stores such as B & H Photo ( ).

If you want to consider used cameras, there are more pro cameras available than you can shake a stick at. Some off the top of my head include Canon's F-1 and T90, Nikon's F3 and F4, the Minolta Maxxum 9, and any M-series Leica. For used cameras, I'd check your local camera stores, or one of the many on-line sources such as B & H, KEH ( ), Collectible Cameras ( ), or eBay ( ).


There are plenty of very good used Nikon and Canon 35mm SLR's listed on craigslist.

Nikon: F4, F5, F6 or F100
Canon: EOS Elan 7NE, or EOS-1v

Also look on B&H Photo, Adorama or KEH
Good luck and enjoy

This is not a commercial but:

I suppose you want a digital camera:

Nikon D300
Nikon has outstanding lens.
or Canon EOS-1Ds Mark III (expensive, both)

If your budget is tight, you can try D80 or equivalent.


take a look at:

For an old fashion( with film): Nikon.

Pro 35mm Film - Nikon F4, F5 or F6. F5 being the best value by far of the three. I just picked up a mint condition F5 for $250!

Pro 35mm Digital - Nikon D3 or Canon 1DsMkII/III.

There are also good pro non 35mm digital such as the Canon 1DMkII/III or the Nikon D2 series cameras.

I can only recommend eBay as I don't know where you live. However if purchasing a pro camera new, I would suggest your favourite local camera dealer. Backup service is important.

I have an old one somewhere not being used.