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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Your favourite artist?

Question:Mine was Van Gogh :)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Mine was Van Gogh :)

Cool, mine was this Gothic painter John Martin. He did some really sinister, dark, yet cool pieces.

I love van gogh! especially "Iris'" My favorite artist though is probably either ansel adams or degas.

salvador dali

me too! my favorite painting is a starry night b/c i just think its so beautiful and inspiring. i love to look @ the stars and the sky and just wonder...watz out there. wat lies beyond the horizon. Van gogh brings out the sap in me :)
( I like the paintings 'wheat field under a stormy sky' and the cafe terrace at night too, but a starry night is by far my favorite.) have u heard the Dobn Mclean song Vincent? it's all about Van Gogh. (don mclean's the guy who sang American pie, if u didn't kno=)_

Ditto, I love Van Gogh's stuff! LOL, I have 'starry night' as my desktop wallpaper and also my mousepad.

I also came recently to like Renoir and Manet; I went to Paris last October on vacation and saw a lot of their stuff (and Van Gogh's also) in the Musee d'Orsay museum; it was such an amazing trip and wonderful museum!

alex pardee =]

julie verhoeven!