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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I record in Black & White on my digital camera??? 10 pts. for best answer

Question:I'm trying to do a project with a few of my friends and we're gonna do "The assasination of Abraham Lincoln"....but how do I record in Black & White.....

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm trying to do a project with a few of my friends and we're gonna do "The assasination of Abraham Lincoln"....but how do I record in Black & White.....

set your color setting to B&W, greyscake or Mono,''Or you can take any color photo into Photoshop and desaturate it.

What make and model is it ?

Best to shoot in colour and convert to B&W in an editing program, much more control this way.


well depends on the model , u have to check the manuel if ur camera has this feature available for use, if it does u could try looking on ur picture settings or u can edited after the picture has been taken.

Your camera should have on the settings menu for
different Color Control Modes such Standard, Chrome, Black and White.

Find the settings option and browse. Should be there

Look in the manual, or if you can't find that, try this site. Just enter the model and it should help you.
It gives a review of most cameras, but should help you figure it out. I used it to help it with my camera.

I think you might have to take the pictures in color and then modify them to black and white with your computer software (before) printing them... maybe use a "sepia coloring" to mimic vintage pictures???

Check your manual. But you'll get better images if you shoot in color, tweak 'em in Photoshop, Paint Shop Pro, or whatever, then do a desat. project...just check your manual.