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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Would this be a good lense for my XTi?


I am looking for one that will allow a lot of zoom.

But I need it to be good in lowlight settings.

If this would not be a good lens, or you think you know a better one. Please recommend it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

I am looking for one that will allow a lot of zoom.

But I need it to be good in lowlight settings.

If this would not be a good lens, or you think you know a better one. Please recommend it.

NO - and your flash question gives this away in my view!

Are you a wildlife or sports specialist? If not why would you want a lens that is equivalent on a 35mm to a 112-480mm lens!? (Your camera has a lens multiplication factor of 1.6!)

And then why would you want to use a flash on it: have you considered that the minimum focusing distance for this lens will probably be at least 10-15'? Will you use it indoors?

I think you'll be much better off with a wider zoom. In 18 years as a pro / generalist photographer I'd say I've only used a lens over 100mm around 2%of the time or less.

I'd be considering a wide to telephoto - a 17-55mm should see use every day, not a couple of times a year.

This lens is excellent for shooting action and sports outdoors as well as shooting wildlife.

In low light situations you will have to either shoot at higher ISO's or spend a LOT more money and buy a Canon lens like the 70-200mm f/2.8 -- just under $2,000

Hi Lauren,

That lens is an excellent lens, I have the same model... I use it mainly for shooting sports outdoors (horse shows and football games). The IS feature makes it great for such activities. (you can buy that same lens for a lot less at )

It is not the best in low light situations. You may want to consider something with a shorter focal range, and an aperture of 2.8 on the wide end of things. Also, if you plan on using a flash with this camera, you'll need a flash extender, to bring the flash physically closer to the opening of the lens.... you'd be better off getting something with a wider range... ideally the Canon EF 70-200 f2.8L ... it's pretty expensive, but well worth the price.

If that is not in your budget you may want to consider one of the Tamron or Sigma lenses

( Wolf/Ritz are always more expensive than Adorama or BHPhotoVideo.)

Ace will give you the better answer, he is the expert, but I have found using this lens with a flash on my camera creates a shadow. When stretched out the lens is so long it gets in the way of the flash. Now if you are bouncing the flash that won't be an issue.

The lens I use indoors with my flash is the 28-135mm IS. Nice lens and the IS allows me to handhold to some relatively slow shutter speeds.

Ace also makes a good point, start collecting those L lenses. Great glass, and perfect for low-light situations.