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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Do u think "sik" is a good tag name?

Question:if u dont wat other tag names do u think are cool...

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: if u dont wat other tag names do u think are cool...

sic is better

a tag for what? games? if so, thats not a very good gamer tag. pick something original that other gamers will make fun of. because if theyre making fun of it, it caught their attention and they cant stop talking about it. my halo3 gamertag is CaptScuttleButt and people cant ever not talk about it.

how about silk.....sik just makes me think sick! But if its a game name then it would be alright.

everyone calls themselves 'sik'

i can't help you cos i don't know you. it should be something unique to you

you can think of something better