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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Fungus in camera lenses?

Question:What's the extent of the damage I will see in my photos? Will I only see it when the lens is wide open?

P.S. It's the fungus that grows particularly in southern parts of the country such as where I am (Florida).

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: What's the extent of the damage I will see in my photos? Will I only see it when the lens is wide open?

P.S. It's the fungus that grows particularly in southern parts of the country such as where I am (Florida).

Look through your lens (not the viewfinder) THE LENS It will look like spiderwebs. If you see this shoot off a flash inside your lens this will kill what ever is growing inside then have your lens taken in to be professionally serviced if it is not too late for this can destroy a lens beyond repair.

Fungus grows in damp dark areas. Keep silica packs in your camera bag and don't store you lens near anything wet.

Chances are it'll appear as a blur in the corner

Fungus etches into the glass itself and does irreparable harm, you will see it worse at small apertures, but the lens will never be sharp again at any setting.

You can sometimes kill the fungus by putting the lens on a sunny window ledge pointing at the sky with the lens mount end wrapped in aluminium foil, and leave it there for a few weeks, the idea is the UV kills the fungus, but it is shutting the stable door after the horse has bolted, if it works at all.


its the beginning of the end for your lens unless you spend more than its worth to have is taken apart cleaned and put back together again.
