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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why picture taking on the rise?

Question:why are we taking more pictures now in 2008 than the 1990s, beside the use of digital cameras?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: why are we taking more pictures now in 2008 than the 1990s, beside the use of digital cameras?

Cameras (digital and otherwise) are cheaper and more accessible (whereas you used to have to go to a camera store or repair shop to buy a nice camera, now you can get one at Wal-Mart or Best Buy). There's been a surge in blogging, social networking sites (like MySpace), and photo-sharing sites, prompting more people to take more pictures to share with the online community. Photography is beginning more and more to be seen as an art form, rather than just a hobby...Nearly all colleges (and some local museums) offer Photography classes for beginners. Many commuity colleges hold photography classes during the day but also at night or on Saturdays, which allows people who have even a little interest in photography to pursue it for a cheap price, at a time that's good for them.

There is no "beside the use of digital cameras". That IS the reason. People used to go weeks filling up a roll of film, now they just snap away cost free.


smaller and easer to carry around.

if there is another reason besides digital camera, its got to be internet, and photosharing, like myspace.
Even if you dont have a digital camera, most places give you the option to burn images onto a disk as well as develop regular film.