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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Any tips for a poor man's photography studio?

Question:I have a Canon Rebel Sii (EOS 1000) that I just bought second-hand. I know that 35mm is old and tired but I really want to get back into it.

I want to setup a poor man's studio in my house to take portrait shots of my friends and family (mostly the kids). The camera has a built-in flash, but I know that will ruin most portrait shots. Any tips on cheap lighting tricks, backgrounds, and photo settings for indoor shots?

How about outdoor shots when the sun is finally shining this summer... any help will be appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a Canon Rebel Sii (EOS 1000) that I just bought second-hand. I know that 35mm is old and tired but I really want to get back into it.

I want to setup a poor man's studio in my house to take portrait shots of my friends and family (mostly the kids). The camera has a built-in flash, but I know that will ruin most portrait shots. Any tips on cheap lighting tricks, backgrounds, and photo settings for indoor shots?

How about outdoor shots when the sun is finally shining this summer... any help will be appreciated.

I have the same problem. Fortunatley I found a really simple cheap lighting package for a small studio:

It's inexpensive and perfect for a small house type studio.

You could still shoot with natural light indoors - near a big open window. Be sure to use a Large reflector (Any big white board will also do) or a small flash gun to fill in the shadow areas a bit!

for editing those photos after they are taken:

you can do selective colorization and so much!
the possibilities are endless to quicly learn how to turn your memories into art