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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Digital Cameras role in today's society?

Question:How can digital cameras enhance our living today or our quality of living? Does it make people's lives easier?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How can digital cameras enhance our living today or our quality of living? Does it make people's lives easier?

It makes the photojournalists life easier ... shooting on deadline, being able to send images from the field to the photo editor has made meeting the deadlines more common.

The negative side to that is we are expected to shoot more assignments per day, many of which are never published ... I think sometimes the managing editor uses the shotgun method when choosing assignments.

On the point and shoot arena, people are shooting more photos of their friends and loved ones. It was not uncommon to process a roll of 24 and have nearly two years of images on it ... people were that frugal when using film.

makes life easy but unfortunately results in poorly composed pictures being taken.

also there is no archival process. somebody could take a picture of a potential-to-be president and erase it because they think he is a nobody at the time.