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Question:How do I put my drawings ontop the computer, without a scanner? [Because I don't have one, nor do I have acess to one]. I'm curious.

Please and Thank you!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: How do I put my drawings ontop the computer, without a scanner? [Because I don't have one, nor do I have acess to one]. I'm curious.

Please and Thank you!

You can take a digital photograph and upload it. However, the clarity of the image will not be as good as a scan. If I were you, I would find someone I know with a scanner.

place them on top the computer lol thats wut u asked. What you can do is take a picture and upload it...

take a pic

use a camera or a cellphone with one

you need a scanner
but if you have a digital camera, then just take a picture of it then save on a file and then choose that as you desktop picture once you go into setting
good luck

Do you have flash disk..i mean conver your drawing into the disk and that will be easy i thing....but i don't think you got my idea...cuz u face look like u don't ...but i tried my best

no other way really

use camera or cellphone