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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Help with drawing ideas?

Question:Can anyone give me some good ideas of cute, cool, or something creative to draw? I just got a new sketchbook and have only two drawings inside at the moment. I NEVER FILL UP THE WHOLE THING!!!! I'm getting really bored of ideas my friends always give me, me out please? ;]

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Can anyone give me some good ideas of cute, cool, or something creative to draw? I just got a new sketchbook and have only two drawings inside at the moment. I NEVER FILL UP THE WHOLE THING!!!! I'm getting really bored of ideas my friends always give me, me out please? ;]

google anime or robots. These are really fun to draw and take a while to do so. Also if you want ot learn new teqniques google how to draw ( your topic ex. head, hair, arm.....) and click on the results. Remember, drawing takes a lot of practice, so continue to do so and I'm sure you'll get better. :)

Same here. I usually draw random everyday things all over the place, or look at a book and copy a picture from it.

Develop your skills by drawing what you see, a cup, book, chair etc. Then cartoon the object and give it a personality. do some as line drawings and some with depth and shading...stretch yourself. you will be glad you did. A rose is always a challenge.

hmm.. i have this problem alll the time
lets think..
you can..

- draw your favorite photograph.
- set up something like fruit, books, shoes and draw still life.
- look up random pics on google and draw one.
- draw just a whole bunch of random things.
-practice drawing things your arent good at drawing.
- draw something about how you are feeling right now.
- go to and try to draw some of the drawings on there.

there are many ideas.

Blythe dolls! (see link) They're cute, kooky & weird all at the same time :)

do a drawing of the eiffle tower