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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How can I improve my pictures??

Question: I have a point and shoot digital camera and what other subjects can I take pictures of??

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a point and shoot digital camera and what other subjects can I take pictures of??

You should try to take some shots using light . Take any old lamp and choose a subject , like a figurine or stuffed animal . Put a black or white poster board behind it . Turn the flash off and change the white balance to incandescent , make sure the room is dark . Then put your camera in front of your stuffed animal/figurine and put the camera on timer . Make sure the camera is not being held but is on some sorta surface . Take about 50 shots or so . The important thing is , that the white balance in incandescent , and that the pictures are in focus . If they are not in focus , then delete them . From those 50 shots , choose the three that are the best or in focus ,and have the right white balance. Try holding the lamp different ways untill the shadows look right to you .

This is what i got , when i used one lamp , and I put the camera on timer and i changed the white balance to incandescent :

To change the white balance , go to camera settings and then click white balance and change that to incandescent , if you don't and you use a regular household lamp the pics will be bright orange . Also take some test shots and make sure there not too dark , if they are too dark then go to camera settings and change the exposure , until it looks better .

Hope i helped and good luck :)

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