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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Name something that inspires you .?

Question:Im inspired a lot of bands. what inspires you to do what you do? Make it exciting and very interesting but be serious!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Im inspired a lot of bands. what inspires you to do what you do? Make it exciting and very interesting but be serious!

Hi Again, Issac here

My Inspiration is nothing but my own bad and good times

I recall all the things that happened in my past and motivate myself on being more generous and judge things very accurately

I am my own Inspiration


im very inspired by the stars. they help me clear my mind, and feel like i can do anything.

my gf tiara

food : i love to eat food

games : need hand excersise

air condition : fow summa

cable : cant live without

The past.

Not MY past, but rather THE past--History.

I've always had a passion for history, and grew up watching movies and reading books with chivalrous heroes like Robin Hood, Ivanhoe, Rob Roy, Sir Gawain, and DonQuixote. As a living history reenactor (Society for Creative Anachronism) I have a framework for studying and exploring the world of the past in greater detail.

Music. It's just so powerful and its of those things that, for me, it can make me feel every single emotion all at once...but that happens with actualy MUSIC...not rap crap or country slang...