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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What paints should I buy that's safe for kids to use to make hand-prints on

Question:My daughter is turning 3 and we will have kids there between the age of 1-4 or 5 there. Of course it will be heavily supervised but I wanted the kids to be able to put their hand in paint and make hand prints on white cotton t-shirts that they can wear. That would be the first activity to give the shirts time to dry while the party is going on!

What is the best type of paint to buy??? I would want to test the paint first and have a shirt of my own by the time the party happends which isn't until June.....

Thanks in advance for your help.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: My daughter is turning 3 and we will have kids there between the age of 1-4 or 5 there. Of course it will be heavily supervised but I wanted the kids to be able to put their hand in paint and make hand prints on white cotton t-shirts that they can wear. That would be the first activity to give the shirts time to dry while the party is going on!

What is the best type of paint to buy??? I would want to test the paint first and have a shirt of my own by the time the party happends which isn't until June.....

Thanks in advance for your help.

I have done this project at just about every one of my 13 year old daughters birthday parties. I have always used the Crayola finger paint. It says non-toxic on the front of the box. The paints come in little tubs. I just use a large paint brush and paint right onto the childs hand /foot so there isn't "extra" paint on their hand/foot to smear. It cleans off the skin with soap and water and as long as the shirt is completely dry before washed the color stays pretty for a long time. DO NOT dry the shirts and wash inside out. Good Luck and Have FUN !!!


I have done this with my pre-school programs (as a gift for Christmas or year end). Go to your local fabric or craft store and buy Fabric Paint. That way when the T-shirts are washed you will not destroy the handprints.
Have fun and good luck!!