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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Need help with a statue?

Question:Am doing a quiz for work and need to know which city this statue is in? sadly the quality of the picture isn't all that great, is really long shot as loads of men on horse statues exist in the world but hoping someone out there is an expert and recognises it - here's the link

any help greatly appreciated

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: Am doing a quiz for work and need to know which city this statue is in? sadly the quality of the picture isn't all that great, is really long shot as loads of men on horse statues exist in the world but hoping someone out there is an expert and recognises it - here's the link

any help greatly appreciated

Statue of Colleoni by Verrocchio in Venice Saint Mark's Square.

Also a copy in Newark: Lincoln Park

Isn't that in London somewhere?

This is likely one of the statues in Trafalgar Square in London.