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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you make a picture have a yellowish grey tint to make it look old fashion

Question:use picasa
its free and easy

u can find it on google =)

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: use picasa
its free and easy

u can find it on google =)

I think there is a toner bath you can get to do that. Check with your local camera store. You may have to get a yellow toner and a grey toner to do this. I would also suggest fiber based paper.

Sepia tone.

Jonathan :)

This is what you're looking for:

If you have GIMP then it's pretty much about the same.

check your software programs, if you have camera, there may be software with sepia option, if you don't want to use online tools like fotoflexer, you could try gimp or others free ,
FotoFlexer online
Picnik online
Splashup online

Photofiltre with sepia filter
Photoscape : with sepia filter
Picasa with sepia filter

Gimp ~with sepia filter &any colorize options
