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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What is Red Eye Reduction Effect?

Question:when u edit a pic in paint or even in adope photoshop, whats the red eye reduction effect?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: when u edit a pic in paint or even in adope photoshop, whats the red eye reduction effect?

it removes the red eye 4rm the pic :-)

A lot of times the flash of a camera will react with some people's eye retina if they are having their picture taken, and thus when you look at the picture, their eyes look red.

This feature in a lot of software programs, enables you to remove the red.

Do you know when you take a photo, and the person in the photos eye's are red or have a red glow, well this is known as red eye. In photoshop click this tool and it will remove this red eye on photos.

removes red eye from pics.