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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Is graffiti art or crime?

Question:This is to do with homework. Big thanks to everyone who answered my 1st questions.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: This is to do with homework. Big thanks to everyone who answered my 1st questions.

I personally believe it depends on where and when the graffiti is done.

For example I have seen areas where people have down this beautiful graffiti to make an area much more colourful and welcoming. This I would clasify as art. Also graffiti on alley way walls with meanings of what goes on in the area(which I have seen before) Iwould consider art.

But if the graffiti is put on a building just for the fun of it, then I don't believe it is art, just a crime. Also if the graffiti is rude, crude or offensice I believe it a crime then too.

Its both art and a crime. Its art if your doing it in your own premises and not using up anyones wall, its a crime if your using it to do the art of someone elses property.

graffiti is a crime,but can be done by people to express themselves which IS an art like the german expressionists.

I personally would call it art. IN the UK we have some really successful graffiti artists, e.g. Banksy- check him out on wikipedia, if you type him into google some really good images come up. Obviously, though, it is also a crime to graffiti on property that is not your own. Surely it is both- art and crime!? I mean in the last couple of centuries nude paintings which we would now consider beautiful works of art would have been highly criticized and censored, and pornographic art has only been made legal in recent years. If they made it a crime to do oil painting, it would still be art. So yeah. its both. It can be very beautiful. Though the artistic merit of writing 'Daz loves Brittany 4 eva' on a toilet door is debatable.

It is both. It depends on how you to it. If you go around and tag things then you can get in trouble. If you talk to city officals and purchase wall space for it then your ok, aslong as what you do has good meaning. I wish I could do it myself, I have seen some awsome work.

graffiti are both art and a crime in some cities or states...

Graffitti can be art if there is talent involved BUT it is also a crime because you are painting without permission of the owner of whatever is being painted and possibly violating some city code or ordinance.

Art, as long as it's done properly, not any of that dodgey scrawling of names. Art afterall is anything you can get away with..

When damaging public property it is crime. As a expression of human endeavour can be considered as art. For me personaly it is not art.

I feel that it is art, but it depends on the location. If it done on public property I am indifferent. If it is done on private property of a INDIVIDUAL, like a house then it is vandalism. The artist hasn't ran out of space to express themselves, they are just straight up graffiting.

However, some people feel that it is akin to tribal art, a way of showing your territory and expressing yourself in the most simplistic and animalistic ways. Like cavemen drawing on caves, they used stick figures where as now people uses 'tags'.