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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Need help with an assignment from graphic design class . . . ?

Question:I've been assigned the task to designing a 'fake' cereal box. So i need ideas for a name and maybe even a slogan of some sort. Every idea is appreciated.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I've been assigned the task to designing a 'fake' cereal box. So i need ideas for a name and maybe even a slogan of some sort. Every idea is appreciated.

How about a "Wheaties" parody with your picture on the box? Just don't copy all the text, put in your own. Make fun of yourself by calling the product "Cheaties."

Take your own photo of a real bowl of cereal. Fill the bowl with tiny slips of paper with math and history questions and answers.

For "nutritional benefits," you can write things like, "22% increase grade point average," or "68% increase in teacher brownie points."

you should do a healthy kids cereal - but one that the kids won't know is healthy. work on that and see what you can come up with.

when ever i get a project like this i always try and tie in as many personal things into it as possible use something you enjoy doing to name it have fun with it

Try something you are interested in such as god, Noah ark cereal with two of every animal in the box.