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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Why do broadcasts differ?

Question:When you watch broadcasts from the 90s 80s 70s it is not as clear as you see broadcast today a bit blurry but when it was those days or live then did it look like that or is it because the film has aged I cant really remember. If it did look like that then why are they slowly improving the way cameras look by getting clearer every decade the 90s is no different to now so will it look like looking through a window one day?
Also why does the USA broadcast look different to the UK. When I see broadcasts from the US they are more colourfull but not as sharp but it looks better and the UK is more clear and sharp do they use different cameras I can easily tell I dont know if everyone else can see this why is this why use different camera types.
Also why those the broadcasts of movies adverts documentarys music videos vary greatly you can tell if someone used an advert camera for a music video or a documentary camera for a movie looks akward why do they make these different types of camera

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: When you watch broadcasts from the 90s 80s 70s it is not as clear as you see broadcast today a bit blurry but when it was those days or live then did it look like that or is it because the film has aged I cant really remember. If it did look like that then why are they slowly improving the way cameras look by getting clearer every decade the 90s is no different to now so will it look like looking through a window one day?
Also why does the USA broadcast look different to the UK. When I see broadcasts from the US they are more colourfull but not as sharp but it looks better and the UK is more clear and sharp do they use different cameras I can easily tell I dont know if everyone else can see this why is this why use different camera types.
Also why those the broadcasts of movies adverts documentarys music videos vary greatly you can tell if someone used an advert camera for a music video or a documentary camera for a movie looks akward why do they make these different types of camera

You have asked a lot of different question about different mediums.

TV US NTSC 120v - 60 Hz 550 scan lines
TV Europe PAL 240v - 50Hz 625 scan lines.

Now we have HDTV which has much higher resolution.

TV vs. film.

Video looks and feels live
Film is a combination of the different film stocks used to make the motion picture and will always look filmesque (new word) even when viewed on a television.

Most of the programs from the '70's and '80's were shot on film and transferred to video, resulting in a loss of quality and sometimes weird color balance.

American TV uses NTSC for transmission, here in the UK we use PAL which has a higher resolution (625 lines as opposed to the 425 lines in the US) during the times you are talking about.

Basically the technology improved over time.

Adverts are shot on top of the range, high definition cameras, a lot of music videos are shot on a bog standard low resolution camcorders. It's just down to the money available for equipment.
