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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do i put pics from my pc to a cd, ive been trying for 2 hours....?

Question:i just bought some cds today, they say "DVd+R" are they the right ones? if not , what kind do i need? How do i know what drive my cd is in? can you please help me, im getting in a bad mood cause i know its easy i just cant get it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i just bought some cds today, they say "DVd+R" are they the right ones? if not , what kind do i need? How do i know what drive my cd is in? can you please help me, im getting in a bad mood cause i know its easy i just cant get it.

You've been using the wrong CD. buy CD+R then copy the file to the CD. they will say files ready to be written to CD. on the left hand side click write files to CD. Done.

First you have to have a DVD burner on your computer. Next just use the software that supports the burner to choose the folders/files you want to burn (up to 4.3 GB) and let the program burn them.

My computer came with the Roxio program to burn DVD's Other brands can include Nero and others.

If your computer does not have a DVD burner, then you bought the wrong medium and need to buy CD-R discs (up to 700 MB) for you CD burner.

First thing, make sure your drive can write to a CD. I know that sounds too simple for most to overlook, but not all drives are also burners. Now, you can either use a program to burn them to CD for you, or you can simply put a blank disc in your drive, go to My Computer and click your E: drive (or whatever letter designation you have for your CD ROM drive). Once you've clicked the drive, you'll have a black window (meaning, there is nothing on the disk). Open up another window, where you have the photos stored, using ctrl+click select the files, and simply drag and drop them into the CD ROM window. Once you do that, you will get a dialog window asking you if you want to use the CD ROM wizard to burn them to the disk. Follow the prompts. Easy peasy.