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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Can you photoshop this picture for me?


please. I'd well appreciate it.

I love photography and have all these ideas but i have no clue on how to execute them through a photo shop program.

I was wondering if you could do something with selective color. maybe have the background be black and white and the girl be in color, or something awesome.

I took this picture and thought it'd be even neater when edited.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker:

please. I'd well appreciate it.

I love photography and have all these ideas but i have no clue on how to execute them through a photo shop program.

I was wondering if you could do something with selective color. maybe have the background be black and white and the girl be in color, or something awesome.

I took this picture and thought it'd be even neater when edited.

Here you go :]


If you have photoshop, I'll gladly walk you through it step by step.

If you want to, email me at

[edit 2]

Well. I'm not sure how to work that program specifically, but I'll try to explain how to do what I did.

Open up your picture in photoshop. Create a "new adjustment layer" that alters hue/saturation.

Adjust the saturation so it's at 0, and your picture looks black and white.

Take your eraser tool, and erase the portions of the photo that you'd like to see in color.

...and TADA! you have a beautifully photoshopped photo.

For some reason my computer isn't letting me put the link, it says there's an error. If you'd like I could email it to you but I'm sure something really good will come along anyway. =(

Just a little hint! It is a cool picture, but If you are photographing someone in a harsh light such as that, where a shadow is falling infront of the person/subject, use a fill flash (just manually turn your flash on) so that it makes the subject pop even more. As you can see, her eyes are very dark and do not have the normal white speck in them, without that white spec, the eyes look inhuman, too dark.

The websites below are free and are really easy to learn.

Any questions you can email me @

P.S Here is a video tutorial

I tried to make the eyes more dramatic and add some contrast besides the selective coloring, so i hope you like it.


Just some playing around... This seems to be a popular look these days, although I like your own original better.

A friendly word of advice you shouldn't be playing around railroad tracks, you don't realize how quiet trains are when they come up on your back side.
