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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What are the best oil paints?

Question:The best oil paints are the ones you like best after trying out several kinds .I've lost track of how many I've tried 30+ ??? . I like the Artist's grade in Winsor and Newton overall the best and Old Holland ,Pre-tested,Rembrandt .The Bob Ross stuff is low quality ,avoid it.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: The best oil paints are the ones you like best after trying out several kinds .I've lost track of how many I've tried 30+ ??? . I like the Artist's grade in Winsor and Newton overall the best and Old Holland ,Pre-tested,Rembrandt .The Bob Ross stuff is low quality ,avoid it.

Williamsburg. It's made up of pigment & linseed oil. They're very expensive but worth it if you're a pro artist. I heard van gogh & old holland are good too.

your a little weird

Bob ross,I love them and use nothing else.