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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Where can I get coloring books but cute ones?

Question:I need it because it make you smarter but I dont like the kid ones.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I need it because it make you smarter but I dont like the kid ones.

Check your local bookstores, or art/ art supply stores. If you live nearby where I live, they have some really creative and cute ones at Michaels, Borders, Barnes and Nobles, and sometimes they even have good ones at Marshall's or T.J Max.

Hope that helped. :]

walmart or dollar store

You can download some awesome free samples from Dover publishing here:

Some of them are just patterns and you can invent your own colour schemes.

They also sell the whole books of course. But you can browse a lot. I print out pages for someone else who also wants to learn.


You can actually Google 'coloring book pages' and pick out your own pages for free.