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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do you make black paint???

Question:i am trying 2 do it 4 a project and i tryed mixing colors its not working!

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: i am trying 2 do it 4 a project and i tryed mixing colors its not working!

Colors that are across from each other on the color wheel are called complementary colors .Blue+orange,
alizarin crimson+thalo+green,
etc ...
Experiment with different pigments as the results will differ.
Complementary colors neutralize each other in mixtures and make colorful grays and rich blacks
But when complementaries are seen close to each other they intensify one another.
Hope this helps!

you don't really "mix" black paint. i guess if you added a lot of colors into a plate and mixed them, it would make a dark color, but you can't mix paint to make black because black is used in mixing to make colors darker or lighter.

hi hunni
i believe that it is best to buy a pot of paint

buy it

Yes you can mix a perfect black paint. Alizarin Crimson and Phthalogreen make a beautiful black that isn't the dead dull color of tube black.

Mix the three Primaries in EQUAL parts. you will get a Black. Go On. Try It. Good Luck

I've always favored prussin blue and burnt umber with a bit of cadmium red.