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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does paint ever expire?

Question:I'm just wondering if oil or acrylic paint expires. And if it does, how can you tell?

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm just wondering if oil or acrylic paint expires. And if it does, how can you tell?

it is not so much that paint expires, but it does eventually become that you can't use it;

-the paint will separate from the oil making a liquid chunky mix.

- The paint will dry and the oil will evaporate

- you can tell its dry if, when you apply it to a canvas, it does not spread over an inch (using a considerable amount)

-When you try to spread it, it sticks to the paint brush not the canvas, and vice versa.

this does not happen from anywhere between 1-70 years depending on the condition of your paints
I still use my grandpas and his are at least 60 years old

yes it expires it gets all hard at the bottom and dries up

evetually. it doesnt really "expire" though, it just becomes hard to use and watery. you will kn ow when it is not good anymore. but just to let you takes years before paint becomes this way.

Yes. When it dries up.

yea, it takes an awfully long time though.
when you open the lid and the glossy film is yellow instead of clear like it should be, and chunky(ish) its gone bad.

yea, it does. theres usually an expiration date on the can.

How long have you had them?

if they smell really bad ,turn black or otherwise abnormal for that pigment.Dried up or a lot of chunks,separate from the binder completely ,rolls around and does not stick to the surface you're painting on,cottage cheese texture (acrylic).

Then it's probably time to get new ones .