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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Skirting boards , before or after plaster.?

Question:I have a stud wall lines with plaster board. Do i attach the skirting boards before or after they have been skimmed by a plasterer. Or is it just a matter of personal taste.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I have a stud wall lines with plaster board. Do i attach the skirting boards before or after they have been skimmed by a plasterer. Or is it just a matter of personal taste.

definitely after plaster. not seen it done any other way.

I would say definatly after!

after plaster .!!!!!!!!!!!

I put mine on after.
Leaves a clean sharp edge and wallpaper could even tuck in behind.

Yeh the skirting boards go on after you put on the plaster,
they look tones better that way anyway

definately after

Its cleaner and allows the skirting board to stand out properly against the rest of the wall.
If you're painting the plaster afterward its easier to do that before you put the skirting boards on too.

I think after the plaster would be better

always put it on after but allow the plaster to dry out first it only takes 2-3 days, prime the skirting before you put it on ,

Definitely after. The skirting board defines where the plaster finishes, it creates a neat edging for either emulsion or wallpaper.

Best wishes with the project.

after plaster
