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Position:Home>Visual Arts> How do I convert a colored photo to a photo in black and white?

Question:I would like to find a site that does this for free without me having to download something.

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I would like to find a site that does this for free without me having to download something.

The best way is to download a free photo program, like Kodak's Easyshare, Picasa2 or photofiltre.

As long as you can adjust the saturation (set it to -100) and levels where you can adjust the black threshold, white threshold and mid-tones you are good to go.

You may want to consider buying Photoshop Elements so you can have some consistant control ala Photoshop but over $600 less expensive.

Check out That should do it ;)

Forget using a web site, just download a free photo manipulation program such as those already suggested or Gimp any of which can easily convert to B&W and a whole lot more besides.
