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Position:Home>Visual Arts> What do you think of my pictures?

Question:I'm an amateur photographer and i want homest opinions on my pictures (plz) critism is good--i can only learn from critism
=] thx

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: I'm an amateur photographer and i want homest opinions on my pictures (plz) critism is good--i can only learn from critism
=] thx

You have captured a few nice pictures for your photo album. I liked the sunset with rays, but the horizon is tilted. I realize you probably did that on purpose, and there are situations that lend themselves well to tilt. Unfortunately landscapes seldom look good when slanted. Same thing with the red weeds in the foreground. I like the idea, but not the tilt and you need more DOF there, too.

There are focus issues on several, most of the macro shots , the reflections and the white cat were very soft. Exposure issues with blown highlights on several different ones. Centered subjects lacking in compositional thought. These are the things that separate the novice photographers from the seasoned. What you are doing so far is a beginning. Perhaps you are ready for the next step. You might take a class on the local level. Get a book or two on beginning photography and start learning technical and artistic stuff. Then apply what you learn in your own photography. Look at great photos in magazines and on professional sites. Look at the composition and lighting, then try to duplicate your favorites in your own world. Study your camera manual to get the best from your equipment. Learn and practice and you will see your images get better and better. Photography is a fun hobby, and you can take it as far as you wish. Good luck and happy shooting!

i think your pictures are pretty amazing! you definitly have potential.

you have the potential to become an amazing photographer, but i think you could benefit from more courses.

Input on how you can become a better photographer?? Don't keep repeating this quote, "Not everybody trusts paintings but people believe photographs."

It is a very ignorant quote and sounds like something a kid made up. Photographs CAN be changed and still look totally real. Also, it is insulting to painters like you are calling them liars.