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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Wat do u think of this? [pic]?

Question:still work on progress but so far wat do u think am i doin wrong, wat should change??

ideas plz..

oh and

Best Answer - Chosen by Asker: still work on progress but so far wat do u think am i doin wrong, wat should change??

ideas plz..

oh and

Not bad.. have u used photoshop b4? .. seems amateurish but good start.

wtf.....sorry, can't help

you seem to have spilt a blackcurrent drink all over it.

i'm a firm believer that less is more. i don't know what you're trying to portray, but if it's a ghost n*gga with blood on his hands, then you need to work on how the blood consistancy looks. It looks like you photoshopped pictures of blood splattered on a wall and just pasted it over the black and white. Learn how to contour the blood to make it seem more realistic in the way it's placed on the body.

You're Photoshop work is bad. Sorry, but if you can't do it right, don't do it at all.

From what I can see, you were trying to take a white background and change it to a black background. Did you want a kind of glow affect around the person?

Photoshop has all kinds of tools to select backgrounds. If you the background was originally white (or another light color) then you can use the Magic Wand tool to select the background the delete it. This would work well since they seems to be a lot of contrast in the original (still going on the assumption it was a white background). After you delete the white background you could add the black with the Paint Bucket tool.

If you were going for a "glow" then you would work with Layers and select the figure (by deleting the background w/the Magic Wand) and then use the Layer Effects to get a glow.

Hope that helped...?

i dont get it..whats the theme