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Position:Home>Visual Arts> Does my bands site look professional enough?

I am trying to make it look as professional as i can, does it look good?

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I am trying to make it look as professional as i can, does it look good?

wow!! i love your album cover!!
and i like it up to the menus
i think u cud perhaps have a matching background, put pictures on the side (of spiders?)
use some cool and bigger fonts for the writing on the side
why dont you concider making it look like your myspace... i think the jaggedy look suits the band :) good luck!

it could use maybe some more pictures...

well it's fine for me it could some more pics, color and design..

More pics and the writing could be a bit darker so people dont have to squint when they are reading certain pages but overall excellent work..xx..?

i guess you should put a little information about the CD you got! and also type the name of the band and the album and the prices at "paypal's place". cz i dont see any information. its hard to see the price too.. paypal note is not necessary to be huge, i mean its big but it looks huge as it took the whole page, it is bigger than the album and it should never be! cz it doesnt give value to your album! just put the prices at its place, it will look more professional.

the paypal image is blurry and could be smaller. it takes away from the album. other than that, you could use more pictures and personality. it's kind of boring.

It looks more like a corporate website.
Anyway all the best.
